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Monthly Muse: Jennae Saltzman - Wedding + Event Planner + Biz Coach

This month’s muse is wedding planner and event designer Jennae Saltzman. Jennae is the owner and founder of Blush and Whim, a wedding planning and event design business located in Minneapolis, as well as a leading wedding industry educator and coach. When she’s not planning the wedding of your dreams, teaching you how to run your wedding biz (including leveraging tiktok! if you know, you know) , or collaborating with her husband to teach you how you can coach others, you’ll find her being one heck of a mompreneur to her two daughters. Jennae has had to pivot quite a lot these past 8 months, but she hasn’t let her slow her down. Without further adieu, let’s get to know Jennae!

What did you want to be when you grew up and did you follow that dream?

It’s so funny thinking back on that because I’m sure I would have always said something that I perceived to be “successful” like being a doctor or something like that but in truth I was constantly sketching out party ideas in my journal and hosting weddings and events in my parent’s backyard for my pets and friends without realizing that could be a real job someday! In elementary school I put together weddings for my dog and two guinea pigs complete with handmade decor (balloons and streamers), snacks and mocktails (peanut butter crackers and koolaid) and always got my friends and neighborhood kids involved to handle various responsibilities like play the recorder during the ceremony, make bouquets or flower crowns and hire on that religious kid down the street to marry all my furry friends. My mom had a preschool in our home which gave me access to a lot of seating/chairs and other fun craft items to make invitations out of construction paper and glitter. As I got older, I was always scheming up big parties with my friends with fun themes and details and was always on prom and dance committees. 

How did you get started as a wedding planner - did you work for someone first? or was Blush and Whim your start?

My first job out of college (right in the peak of the 2009 recession) was at a family owned winery and vineyard in my hometown. I did an internship the summer before my senior year and was hired on as the special events coordinator right after I graduated. Prior to that I was a server at a restaurant on a lake that hosted high end weddings for many cabin owners so I sort of started from a catering perspective. I’m very thankful for that base of experience in venue coordination and catering to lay the groundwork for everything else- it’s not all about pretty design, you need good bones on event to make it work! 

Have you always been entrepreneurial? What's the toughest thing about owning your own business and brand?

I grew up with a lot of entrepreneurs in my life- my mother was an entrepreneur and my older brother and sister both owned businesses when I was still in high school so I was surrounded by that mindset and an abundance of conversations about ideas, etc.  I always knew working for “the man” was going to be tough for me- I like to make my own rules and have the freedom to create things on my own terms. I think the toughest part of owning your own business or brand is just that- the freedom is great but the worry and hard work that allow that freedom can be really overwhelming and stressful. I guess at the end of the day I’d rather live an exciting and free life with some worry than be worry free but bored out of mind in some cubical somewhere without freedom to do the things I want. It’s all about balancing those things and keeping perspective when the worry stacks up. 

How have you pivoted your business with the impact of COVID this year? 

Covid has hands down been the most challenging endeavor I’ve ever taken on as a business owner, but I truly believe that we entrepreneurs are scrappy and are built to handle situations just like this- we almost thrive in it! I feel fortunate to have other side hustles and projects that I’ve been able to lean on during this time, but overall I’m trying to keep perspective and look at this year as a “sabbatical” time to regroup and think about what I really want from my business. Exciting things to come! 

What gets you up in the morning (your purpose) and keeps you motivated?

When things are going well as an entrepreneur my excitement to create and collaborate with others keeps me motivated about my job, but when things are hard (like they have been for everyone in 2020) my family and 2 little girls are my drive to get out of my sweats and stop feeling sorry for myself. It’s a crazy time but we are all in it together- just have to get up, roll with the punches and keep going!

What does a typical day look like for you?

As of late, everyday is completely different which definitely makes things interesting! My husband and I are both entrepreneurs working from home with 2 little girls during a pandemic…so we usually start our day getting snuggled/wrestled out of bed by our 1 and 4 year olds, followed by coffee and flying spoonfuls of oatmeal, emails with a side of Daniel Tiger or crashing toys in the background, a trip to the playground or swimming lessons, lunch, naps (thank GOD for naps), phone consults in the car, afternoon art projects, dinner, books and guitar songs before bedtime then burning the midnight oil to get caught up before waking up and doing it all again! It’s crazy and there are definitely days when there are tears and tantrums (from ALL of us), but we always remind ourselves that this is once in a lifetime and we will most likely never get this intimate time with our children ever again. Luckily with events being postponed and cancelled, I have that time to give- it’s all about focusing on being present and not letting the overwhelm get the better of me. 

What's the best advice you've been given?

Just take things one day at a time. It will all work out exactly the way it’s supposed to. I say this almost daily! 

What are you most proud of?

My kids! They are truly my greatest joy and accomplishment in life. Work is fun and I’ve definitely had some proud moments, but they will never compare to the joy that comes with watching your kid learn how to clap their hands, take their first steps, write their name or simply show empathy to another kid at the playground for the first time. 

What would you have done differently if you knew what you know now?

Wear more sunscreen! Haha- besides that, nothing- I regret nothing and know that everything is working out exactly the ways its supposed to. 

Rapid Fire

  • Dream wedding venue: Surrounded in glass in the middle of the woods. 

  • Early bird or burn the midnight oil: as of late, early bird! I love mornings. 

  • Coffee or juice to start the day: juice! coffee makes me feel CRAZY. can’t drink that stuff. 

  • Beach or mountains: beach with a mountain view! I want it all. 

  • Control freak or go with the flow: a go with the flow control freak. I’m like a duck- mellow on the surface but busy paddling, dreaming and scheming below. 

    Thank you Jennae for sharing your story! You can find Jennae on her website Jennae Saltzman, at Blush and Whim, Instagram, and of course TikTok.