It's Girl Scout Cookie Season


It’s that time of year. You see girls in their green vests and sashes setting up tables of their irresistible cookies in malls, grocery stores, sporting events, you name it. I’m here for it. I love everything these cookies represent. Girl Empowerment. Leadership. Entrepreneurship. Business Skills. Goal Setting.

As a former girl scout, I didn’t know these were the skills I was building, I just knew I was having fun and learning a lot. As I look back on those years, I now understand the impact it had on me. I remember canvassing the neighborhood selling cookies, setting goals for what I wanted to get done, and then making it happen. It was my first lesson in goal setting, and boy did I want to crush it. Even today, I like to be working towards something and I definitely like being able to see my goals met.

So, as you’re debating whether or not you should buy the box of cookies, remember you are supporting the next generation of women leaders. If you don’t want the cookies, you can still donate to the local causes they’ve chosen this season. You don’t need to buy the box of cookies.

Not sure where to get cookies? The Girl Scout website has a find cookies tool. Simply enter in your zip code and it will list out where you can get them. They even have an app! And, if you know of a girl scout, ask if you can buy them online - they even have a digital cookie platform.

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