Monthly Muse: Liz Krueger


You guys! Monday Muse is back - but it’s changed to Monthly Muse. Still all the same great inspiration and interviews, just on a monthly basis instead of weekly (and much more manageable for this girl’s workload and sanity if I’m being honest). So let’s jump into our first #MonthlyMuse of 2020: Liz Krueger! if you don’t already know who Liz is, you’re in for a treat. She’s incredibly inspiring, has more energy than the energizer bunny, and will be your biggest cheerleader. I briefly met Liz at an event where she turned the tables on the panel that was speaking and asked how we, the audience, could help them. It was such a simple question. Typically, all the questions are trying to get as much information out of them as possible. But Liz, being the supporter she is, asked how we could help them. And they were speechless. They hadn’t ever been asked that before, and they had to stop an think about it. Talk about eye opening moment. We’re always asking others to share how they got where they are, or to be successful, or to get to that next big thing, but we don’t ever think about them as people who have needs too (and might be over tapped for a lot of things due to their success). But that’s how Liz is. She’s always trying to find ways to support and help other. Asking what she can do. Keep reading to learn more about Liz, her cool new job at Lululemon, and how she stays motivated.

Let's start at the beginning - what did you want to be when you grew up and what did you go to school for?

I wanted to be a veterinarian because I loved animals!! I went to school for broadcasting bc I loved the media and also loved talking :). I worked for an Australian celebrity right out of school in Sydney Australia, and when I moved back I pursued being a hair stylist and graduated from the Aveda Institute. After my styling years I ended up opening and managing fitness studios in Minneapolis going into sales, and then into curator! Out of breath just typing it:) Unconventional but entirely necessary to grow me into the human I am today! 

Have you always been interested in fitness and wellness? 

I was always active and in sports but there was never intention behind it. Like most women, struggled with body image so always trying to find the "magic" in something new. Now, as a 34 year old ids about feeling healthy, string, and empowered. My mind has changed the most, and my body followed suit because of it. I'm kinder to myself now so wellness is actually more fitting. I am well, I've fought some body image demons and I would tell anyone like me to never give up and if you have to keep starting over it's better than quitting. Fight for your health. Make it bigger than looking good in a bikini and I promise you will feel good in one sooner than you think. 

Can you share with us your journey to DKrueger Fitness and more recently lululemon?

DK Fitness was created organically from our life experiences. We started body building early on in our relationship, and found it was too extreme for us and not sustainable. That being said, we wanted to teach people how to eat right, reach their goals, and enjoy life. DK Fitness was born 7 years ago and hundreds of people have been helped by our custom nutrition programs and accountability. 

I fell into Lululemon. Or should I say, the universe has a plan for all of us. It is a brand I always loved and admired but never thought of it as an option for a career. The role I am in now didn't exist a year ago. The company is going in a new direction and a direction that's a culmination of all of my life experiences thus far, in which I get to partner with all of my connections to make it possible. It doesn't get better than that, and has challenges me in ways I never thought possible. 

You're also a founder of The Swell Society - can you share what The Swell Society is, why you started it and your goals for it?

We started Swell Society because we were sick of how people were gathering without intention or purpose. We saw the need from our community for deeper connection and no one was creating it, so we did:) 

How to you stay motivated and what inspires you?

I stay motivated because I've seen the other side. I've been depressed and I've self-medicated with drugs and alcohol and I've been overweight bc I treated my body like garbage. None of that serves me. My health motivates me. I feel blessed not lucky to have it, so I don't want to waste it. Life is fleeting and I'm realizing that more and more in life as I've encountered the loss of loved ones. We were put here to make an impact, so that's what I need to do! 

Describe a typical day in the life of Liz.

Sweating through a workout, drinking all the coffee, seeing all the people, creating constantly, and ultimately ending up on the couch with the two loves of my life Louie and Dan. Even on my days off, I always find a way to fill the hours. I'm an extrovert so always our and about or working hard. I don't do typical. Lol. 

You truly embody empowering women and lifting them up - can you share why this is so important and how others can do the same?

We are all humans doing this life together. I don't want to succeed on my own, that's lonely. And I actually can't do this life alone. When we start realizing how similar we all are, instead of different, we can collaborate and help each other. There are so many amazing women who inspire me to do better. I don't understand competing with one another or a mean girl mentality. I am a big believer that if you don't like someone, you don't understand them. It's our job as humans on their earth to try and understand we are all going through something, our stories are just written differently. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don't second guess yourself, or your worth. Keep going even if the path seems unconventional. Its leading you somewhere great! 

Rapid Fire:

  • AM Fuel: Coffee or Green Juice-americano with steamed almond milk 

  • Favorite workout-barre sport at Tiger Fit 

  • Three words to describe you-genuine, weird, and loving 

  • Dance the night away or homebody-homebody with Dan and louie 

  • 3 Instagram accounts you love @theworldlofdoug @amberdodzweit @erinoprea

Thanks for sharing your journey with us Liz. You can follow more of LIz’s adventures on her Instagram page.


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