Denim & Ink Design

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Product Spotlight: Custom Notecards

When I first started my business, I hunted and hunted for notecards to include with my orders. I wanted something personal, but not just my name or initials. After looking for quite some time, and not finding exactly what I wanted, I decided to create my own. Little did I know what I created out of necessity would become a key product for my business. By including these notecards with my orders I repeatedly received an email asking where I got them or did I make them for others. Now you can get your own notecards too!

The process is easy! You can purchase a set on my website here. Once I receive your order, I email you for photos you’d like me to work from or inquire as to which illustration you’d like included on the notecard. Next I mock up the notecard and send over for feedback and edits. Once you’ve approved the final sketch/layout, I print 20 4x6 cards + envelopes, package them up and mail them to you. Easy Peasy. Reorders can also be done at any time or you can purchase the files from me for a one time fee and print on your own going forward.