Denim & Ink Design

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Time for change

If you follow me on instagram, you know it’s been one crazy summer. I will admit I’ve fallen off the wagon jumped off a high speed train when it comes to my health and well being. I take full responsibility for my actions, regardless of how much fun they may have been in the moment (I mean really- just look at all that fried food above). This past summer was one stress after another and clearly I’ve learned that I resort to comfort foods in times of stress. Who knew finding your new dream home could do this to a person? The moving, staging the old house, selling the old house, paying two mortgages for an unknown time frame, wanting to get the new house in perfect condition like the old one was…it’s exhausting and did I mention stressful? You know you’ve hit rock bottom when you are eating Costco pizza multiple times a week. In my defense, it was the easiest and quickest food I wanted after working all day and then coming home to work more on BOTH houses. But enough with the excuses. It’s time to get back to my old habits and into my skinny jeans!

Today was day one of my 21 day CLEAN cleanse and I can’t tell you how excited I am to be doing this. After the most gluttonous weekend I have ever experienced (seriously, how are you not following me on instagram yet from that comment alone?), I can honestly say it felt good to start the day eaing clean. I’ve known lots of people who’ve done this cleanse and they loved it. Gwyneth swears by it and god knows I adore her, so if it’s good enough for her, it’s good enough for me. So here I am. Just about done with day one and I feel great! Mind you I am only 13 hours in (who’s counting?) and I did have quite a binge weekend. We’ll see how I’m feeling tomorrow.

Let’s do this together shall we? I’ll post an update each day with how i’m doing and you tell me what a great job I’m doing to keep me going. Deal?

XX Erin