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Monthly Muse: Alka Kumar, Sutter Buttes Artisan Foods

I’m super excited for this month’s muse! I’ve known Alka since college when she was roommates with my BFF and we shared the same dorm suite. So many fun times were had back then. If you told me she would end up living on an olive ranch I would never have believed you. It’s funny how life takes us all in different directions, including me to Sweden! We were both big city girls back then, taking in all that LA could offer up. While we haven’t actually seen each other in YEARS, we still stay up to date with social media. When I learned that Alka and her husband had started Sutter Buttes, I placed an order. It was fantastic. I’m a big fan of her olive oils, but it’s her vinegars that captured my heart and miss being able to get them here. My go to vinegars are the traditional balsamic vinegar and the chocolate vinegar. If you want to get really crazy, pair the chocolate vinegar with the white truffle olive oil. the combo is AMAZING. But enough about me raving about her product, let’s learn more about Alka Kumar.

Let's start at the beginning - what did you want to be when you grew up? Is that what you studied in school and did it lead you to where you are today?

I always wanted to be involved in business.  When you’re in High School, you don’t exactly know what you want to do or where you’ll land.  I just knew business was for me.  I did study business in university and that’s what I received my degree in.  It most definitely has lead me to what I do today.

The Alka I know from college was a city girl through and through :) Did you ever envision yourself living on an olive ranch?

That’s so funny you say that because you are absolutely right about it!  I was a total city girl.  Coming to the small town of Yuba City after college was definitely a culture shock.  Over the years I have adapted and love the place that I’ve chosen to start my family and business in.  Living among the trees and orchards is very beautiful and you always feel so close to nature and I am always at the source of so much that we eat.

How did you get into the Gourmet Food Business? 

I’ve always been a foodie and loved trying and exploring new flavors and food.  My family has always traveled around the world, which gave me an opportunity to try new things.  I said to myself, “One day you will do something with food and work!”  

During the very dark days of the recession, we found ourselves at a crossroads and able to start fresh and from scratch.  This was the perfect time to put my love of food to work.  We planted our olive orchards and started creating infused olive oils.  From there we just started expanding our offerings of gourmet foods.  We added Balsamic vinegars, Dipping Oils, jams, tapenades and now we make many sauces, and food gifts. 

Has there been a specific moment that made you think "yep, I've made it because I've done …

I always push myself to do more, accomplish more…  I don’t think I’ll ever say “I’ve made it!”  There’s always more to conquer.  

However, I love when some of the brands I’ve always looked up to, followed or admired along the way, find me and ask us to make food for them.  It’s very exciting for me!  We’ve made for Martha Stewart, Williams-Sonoma, Harry and David, Neiman Marcus and Magnolia to name a few.  We’ve had some fun collaborations with Influencers, Celebrity & Michelin Star Chefs and Kitchen Brands like Sub-Zero,Ooni Pizza Ovens and Traeger. 

We’ve won numerous awards for our food products.  That’s equally exciting and always feels like an accomplishment.

What would you have done differently if you knew then what you know now?

I think I would have asked for help sooner.  There are always sources for assistance when starting a new business.  I learned a lot by trial and error.  This is expensive and time consuming.

What’s the best advice you ever received? What advice would you give to someone just starting out?

I think my best advice came from my Dad who taught me so much about business.  He always told me to look ahead not back.  Keep moving forward.  Work hard.  Enjoy what you’re doing.

My advice is to always work hard at whatever you put your mind to.  Business does not come easy and millions aren’t made quickly.  It takes dedication, grit and a lot of passion.  Set goals.  Stick with them and don’t give up.

What is still your biggest challenge?

Building a good team to support you and your business is so important.  We live in small town and finding talent can sometimes be challenging in our area.  

Rapid Fire

  • Morning person or burn the midnight oil – Morning!  Definitely 5am each day.

  • Spa/Beach or City/Adventure vacation – Spa/Beach.  

  • Coffee or tea – Tea.  I never drink coffee.

  • Wine or cocktail - Cocktail

  • Go with the flow or Control Freak – Control Freak.  I’m working on letting go here and there.

  • Next place you're traveling to for fun - Jamaica

Thanks Alka for sharing your story. You can find Sutter Buttes on their website, instagram, facebook, and in person at their store in Yuba City.