Denim & Ink Design

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A Few Thoughts and Some Freebies

Hi. How are you? Seriously How are you? There is so much going on in the world right now it’s hard to even categorize how I’m feeling. It changes from day to day, hour to hour, and I’m just trying to be present. As a proclaimed Introvert who relishes staying at home, I’m even going a bit stir crazy. Maybe because I know I can’t go do things? Or I’ve hit my tipping point of how many days I can go without social interaction other than my husband? Regardless, its important that we all adhere to social distancing. It’s proven to slow the spread. And we need to do that.

I’m trying to remain as much “business as usual” as I can. I’ve got a few custom illustrations I’m working on (THANK YOU to those of you supporting all small businesses!), I’ve started my taxes, we’re working on a remote schedule to support the shop (The Foundry Home Goods if you’re new around here) and keep the business going, I’ve got a long list of personal projects I’ve wanted to start and haven’t, so those are finally seeing the light of day, and I’m still cooking a lot. I love seeing how the community is rallying to support everyone through this. We really are all in this together and it’s times like these that we see what we’re made of. Truly.

So how can you do your part and help? Get take out or a gift card from a local restaurant or coffee shop (Thanks Frank Sisters for organizing #carryoutwednesday) . Buy something online from a small business you want to support. Write a review of a few businesses you’ve used on Google (Thanks Jkath for this AWESOME idea), Donate to local food shelves, find organizations in your area that are asking for help (Some Great People is sharing a lot of this on their stories if you’re local). Check in on your neighbors, friends, family. Now is not the time to stop connecting, you just need to do it differently. Show compassion. This isn’t any one persons fault and hindsight is 20/20. We just need to move forward one step at a time.

How can you take care of you and all the feelings you’re having? Everyone reacts differently to times of stress, but here are few ides to help get that cortisol level back to normal. Take a walk, the fresh air does wonders. Minimize your news consumption. I’ll admit this was a big one for me. I try to only check the news two or three times a day now. Take up a new hobby - I’ve got free color sheets you can download here, or check out Skillshare. They’ve got TONS of videos that teach just about everything. Call your family and friends - just hearing others voices and talking about it can really help.

That’s all I’ve got for today, but it felt good to get it all out there. Take care. Stay Healthy. Stay Home. We can do this.