Monthly Muse: Debbie Wolk of Debbie Wolk Designs

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Whoa. June is almost done and I’m just getting around to posting this month’s muse. Where does the time go? Without further adieu, let’s get on with the show. This month’s muse is Debbie Wolk of Debbie Wolk Designs. Debbie creates whimsical and fun ceramics. You can even customize them for any occasion, making them great gifts! It’s only been in the past few years that Debbie really started to take her business seriously, read on to learn more about how she got started.

What did you want to be when you grew up and did you follow that path?

I always knew that I wanted to do something creative. I grew up taking art classes of every kind. Drawing, Painting, Pottery, jewelry and so on. My favorite gift was new markers or paint brushes or a sketch pad. Living a creative life has always been a part of me and as an adult I stuck to that mantra.

What got you started in ceramics? 

After college I was visiting a friend at his apartment and he had a beautiful ceramic bowl on his table. I asked him where he got it and he told me that his mother made it in her ceramic class. I was intrigued immediately. I called the next day and signed up and I was hooked.

When and how did you decide to start your own line?

After many years in advertising sales and painting ceramics as a hobby, I always knew that I wanted to turn my hobby into a business. I would always give my work as gifts and take custom orders but dreamed of doing this full time. The biggest obstacle was that I didn’t have my own kiln. I always found a reason NOT to take the next step.

Tell me a bit about those first years - how did you build your business

After retiring from sales to paint from home full time, I would do produce pop up events and participate in many other shows around town to sell my work. I relied heavily on social media and pop-ups to sell my work and to build my following.

Any time customers wanted to see my work, I would direct them to my next event or unpack my bins and set up on my dining room table. After about 5 years of doing this and wishing for a more permanent solution….the perfect opportunity arose. Timing is everything. A friend approached me at a social event to ask if I would ever be interested in sharing her studio space in the Casket Arts Building. I had always dreamed of having a studio and was especially interested in this building! THIS was the turning point for me. 

What are you most proud of in your journey as a creator and small business owner?

I moved into my studio in January of 2019. I bought a kiln, started selling to retailers and continued to build my custom business and client base. The move into the studio was my single proudest moment as an artist. It felt like it legitimized what I do and even though it was a scary step, it brought my business to the next level. I felt as if I achieved a lifelong dream.

What's the best advice you've ever received?

It was from my father-in-law. He was in retail his whole life and he liked to ask me about my sales for the day or week. If I had a slow week but sold a big ticket item, he would say, “It doesn’t matter how you get there, just so you get there."

Where do you draw inspiration from for your line? 

I get inspiration from so many different aspects of my life. It could be from a walk outside, a tree, a beach or a cloud. It could be from listening to a conversation that sparks an idea. It is often watching the way people entertain and paying attention to a product that they might lack or use often and try to put my own spin on it.

If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?

Always take the time to be creative! It feeds my soul. It soothes me and gives me purpose. Be patient…your time will come.

Rapid Fire Questions

Early Bird or Burn the Midnight Oil BOTH

Control Freak or go with the flow 100% CONTROL FREAK

Coffee ASAP or Juice to get the day started COFFEE ASAP PLEASE

Homebody or Social Butterfly SOCIAL BUTTERFLY

Sun/Sand or Adventure vacation KEEPING BUSY IS A MUST, relaxing is not in my DNA.

Thank you Debbie for sharing your story with us. You can find out more about her on her website and Instagram.


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