Monthly Muse: Lauren VanScoy, Founder of Essence One

Lauren VanScoy, Founder, Essence One

Can you believe it’s already been a month since our last Monthly Muse? This month I’m chatting with the lovely Lauren VanScoy of Essence One. Lauren is the founder and creator of the all natural aromatherapy bath and body line developed in response to her own experience with anxiety and depression. I’m a big fan of the rollerballs that you can get to soothe anything from anxiety and tension, to concentration or sleep. She’s even got care products for your furry friends! Read on to learn more about Lauren’s story and how she built her company.

What did you want to be when you grew up and did you follow that path?

I just wanted to be a mom with 10 kids.  Seriously.  Now, I’m completely happy with two children and my own business.  It’s better this way.  FOR SURE!

What sparked your interest in natural products and healing?

I struggled with my own mental health after my second child and knew I wanted to find natural, complementary ways to help me through my anxiety and depression.  I went to aromatherapy schedule and got my certification and then started Essence One.

How did you decide to start Essence One?

I started Essence One to be able to break the stigma behind mental health, offer natural and safe products that make you smile when you use them and to have a platform to discuss my own experiences with anxiety and depression.

Tell me a bit about those first years - how did you build your business?

I hustled!  And still do.  I had a day job, two kids and worked mostly on Essence One at night after they went to bed.  My husband was a saint and watch the kids a lot on weekends when I ran to farmer’s markets and pop up shows to share my passion.  After year two I went full time Essence One and have still been working a lot of overtime but  LOVING what I do.

What are you most proud of in your journey so far as an entrepreneur?

I am most proud that my message about mental health is still a main focus in our message and that so many people have found peace with our products.  They understand the anxiety and depression struggle, appreciate our candidness with the topic and love the essential oil blends we use to scent our products.  

If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?

Life will be different than how you picture it, but don’t worry, you’ll love it.

Rapid Fire Questions

  • Early Bird or Burn the Midnight Oil - Midnight Oil

  • Control freak or go with the flow - Control Freak

  • Favorite essential oil? Why? - Spearmint - I love the fresh, uplifting and light it brings.

  • City Slicker or Wide Open Spaces - City Slicker

  • Favorite product you've created - Natural deodorant

Thank you Lauren for sharing your store! You can find essence at their website, on instagram, at Six for Good, and many retailers across the country.


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