Monthly Muse: Kelsey Erickson, Intuitive Life Coach and founder of Everme + Co

Time for another Monthly Muse! This month we’re sitting down with Intuitive Life Coach Kelsey Erickson. Not sure what an Intuitive Life Coach is? Then you’re in for treat. I met Kelsey through Instagram, as one does these days :) She had just read one of my monthly book recaps (which ironically was shared by another MM, Sara Schultz) and DM’d me about them. We’ve been following each other since. I love how social media has allowed us to create communities and interact with others easily (one of the few positives I find about it these days). After following Kelsey for a while, I became curious about her approach to coaching and asked if she would share more about what she does and how she got started. Read on to learn more about her and intuitive coaching.

Let's start at the beginning - what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you follow that path or go another direction?

I wanted to be a teacher for a long time. I didn’t follow that path because it “didn’t make a lot of money”. I really didn’t have a concrete vision for what I wanted my career to be, I just knew I wanted to be “successful”. That is probably the Taurus in me. I followed the “should” path before I started my path. 

Let’s chat about your career history? When did you start thinking about starting your own business? Were you always interested in leadership and coaching? 

The inception of my business was a culmination of a lot of things: Dane (my husband) and I creating our shared vision, burning out (more like absolutely scorching!) in corporate america, and being highly inspired by the #girlboss movement circa 2014 ish. Early in my career I learned so much about what wasn’t working for me or what I didn’t want to do. I believe there’s two paths we can take: the path of head (logic, should, societal expectation) and the path of heart (intuition, heart’s desire, purpose, authenticity) A true vision for my personal trajectory didn’t start to meld until I started following my heart path. My intuition lead me to an information interview with a woman who was a coach and had her own business. Before we hung up the phone, I knew that is what I was meant to do. Everme was born shortly after. 

You specialize in intuitive leadership - can you share more about what that means and how it works?

Like I said earlier, there’s two approaches to life. Head or heart. Logic or intuition. Trudge or trek. Force or flow. Intuitive leadership is about placing the emphasize and trust in the latter of the options. In my work, I help my clients lead their personal, professional and purposeful lives from an intuitive place. As a coach, I’m a facilitator of what you already know to be true. You don’t need more books, more classes, or more anything really to lead what I call your Creatively Designed Life. This is a life for you, built by you and aligned to the best version of you.

I love your Tarot Tuesday readings - can you explain how tarot works and what to learn from it?

I say this with a smirk on my face, but Tarot is pretty pieces of paper. These cards are intuition activators and they are for everyday people like you and I! If you like self-development and moments of intuitive clarity, you will love Tarot. I know there can be some stigma or skepticism about Tarot which I why I created the Modern Tarot Method to help debunk the taboo so that Tarot can be accessible to all. My biggest learning from Tarot has been that my intuition knows what’s up and I don’t need cards or anything else to remind me of that. I’ve literally been able to predict a card before I see it. 

What tools do you find indispensable in your daily life?

It’s more of a tool than a practice but I live and breathe by my morning pages. Morning pages are a concept from Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way. It’s three pages of freehand writing every morning. It’s a form of meditation for me. 

What do you find are the biggest stumbling blocks you encounter with your clients and what are the best ways you’ve found to overcome them?

One of the biggest stumbling blocks I see with clients is their lack of self-trust. They are usually more intuitive than they realize but they struggle to trust that knowing and act on it. The best way to overcome this once they have an awareness of what self-distrust looks like, is to guide them through the equation “intuition + action = magic”. 

What would you have done differently if you knew then what you know now?

I’d go back and encourage my younger self to take the road less traveled. In business, I’d go back to the beginning and only ask my intuition “how would I do this?” vs. how have others done this?

What’s the best advice you ever received?

I’ve been fortunate to have many mentors and guides along the way. I’ve also had many deeply spiritual and divine encounters. One in particular stands out from our honeymoon. We were climbing a vortex in Sedona and a severely crippled elderly woman stopped us along the way to take her picture. We chatted a bit and her parting words to use were “you gotta do it while you’re able to”. We turned to continue our walk and never saw her again. We both agreed we were not even sure she was real, more like an angel or something. I carry this wisdom in my proverbial back pocket all the time. 

What surprising lessons have you learned along the way?

Life purpose is not synonymous with career, it’s much bigger than that. Burnout is not just for corporate jobs, your business can do the same even if it’s your passion. 

Anything else you’d like to share?

I wrote these answers on a flight and had an intuitive ping about how to describe coaching. You know that moment when the plane breaks through the clouds that we see when we’re on ground level and suddenly it’s light and bright and clear? That’s what coaching is. 

Rapid Fire

  • Your affirmation for today: There’s more than enough time

  • Spa or adventure vacation: Adventure

  • Coffee or tea: Coffee

  • AM Warrior or Burn the Midnight Oil: Midday kind of gal! I have a strict bedtime.. But I do often wonder what would happen if I let myself burn the midnight oil! 

  • Go with the flow or Control Freak: (intuitive) flow

  • Superpower you would want: invisibility 

  • Favorite tarot card: The Fool; beginners mindset, being willing to be a beginner, fresh beginnings!

  • Book you recently read and loved: Beside the ones you recommend on a monthly basis, I’ll go with Frankenstein. If you’re a creator and/or you’ve ever struggled with fitting in or self-image, it’s a must read.

Thank you Kelsey for sharing your story! If you’d like to work with Kelsey or learn more, you can find her on her website and instagram.


Series: What I Read in August and September


Series: What I Read in July